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Astigmatism (eye) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Astigmatism is an optical defect in which vision is blurred due to the inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image on the retina. This may be due to an irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or lens. The two t
Ezra Klein - Administrative Costs in Health Care: A Primer I actually started looking into administrative costs a few weeks ago. But then, as if to prove the prescience of my research, Paul Krugman, Greg Mankiw, Tyler Cowen and a handful of others began arguing about the subject. And I'm not convinced any of them
商業英文常見五大錯誤- 職場力- 英文學習- 戒掉爛英文- 商業周刊 2011年3月11日 - 想到降低成本,大部份人會聯想到”cost down”,所以就說”Our company wants to cost ...
世界公民文化中心-- 商業英文最常見的5大錯誤 想到降低成本,大部份人會聯想到"cost down",所以就說"Our company wants to cost down." 或者問how to ...
商業英文最常見的七大錯誤| 知識庫 2013年7月24日 - 一想到降低成本,在英文裡,大部份人會聯想到"cost down",所以就說"Our company ...
Cost down, 是短視近利, 不顧社會責任的糟糕文化@ Bear 180的 ... 2013年1月29日 - Cost down在英文中是個錯誤用法, 在此不特別討論台灣產業有個非常特殊的文化, 是台灣 ...
Psalm23維吉爾我的天啊,分享cost-down 是個錯誤英文用法也會 ... 2013年5月9日 - 我的天啊,分享cost-down 是個錯誤英文用法也會被鄉民戰到語言說得通就好了,囧rz ...